Jan 29, 2018
What an exciting and informative show! Chris welcomes Maryann Murphy, MSW, CPO, Organizer, Trainer, Professional Organizer & Author to the show to launch her new book, STOP Wasting Your Precious Time "60 Easy Strategies for Eliminating your Biggest Time Wasters at Work!" She shares with the listeners a series of strategies to assist you with information overload, interruptions & distractions, unproductive meetings, and more! Interested in a preview copy, go to www.maryannmurphy.com, & click on Stop Wasting Time book. In the second hour, F. Keats Boyd talks about his latest seminar, " This Changes Everything." A seminar focused on the new tax law changes. For a full seminar schedule & to sign up visit www.boydandboydpc.com, click on seminar schedule for more details. Chris wraps up the show with discussion on the markets, S&P 500, the VIX and more! Great show!